april 10, 2002
this is my first web site that my friend tom helped me with... i had nothing better to do at school then
to make a web sight. nothing much happing today im pretty much out of it today....no sleep for me :-(
well the period is prob gunna ring soon so im gunna go work on other parts of my shit sight
april 11, 2002
2ond period
yup high agan, im trying to add a guest book in my web so... ....yeah i had to sign off
someone took the comp from me and now im on another one...damn prik, oh well ok lets see 1st for the people in
the back who don't know why i named my page after tennis balls its becuase i made a umm whats the word im looking for...oh
yeah exploseve devise -evil laugh- and well i thought it would be funny to name my page after it...yeah... well
im gunna try and get the guest book thingy now tootles...oh yeah yesterday i had sunshine bye
6th period
grrr its the same day and the school comp teacher told me i can't do what im doing now...grrr power hungery
arse well sometime when im off punishment i'll update it at toms house bye
9th period
...im having one of thoes days that nothing seems to go right, all day i was happy, i hoped to get
the fucking guest book loaded on my fucking page and well some how some, some way, it allways won't work. charrlet is
being a bitch to me and tom, i know she doesn't mean it sometimes but she pisses me off sometimes. its really hard being
friends with 2 people who are going out. sometimes i think if i did something to charrlet today to piss her off...but
nope not a thing....it fucking sucks when someone is acting like a cunt to you when you don't know what you did to him\her...and
i guess i'll have to get use to being everyones punching bag
april 12, 2002
5th period
haha well this was a good day...one of my jackass days, 2ond period i had this
asshole teacher mr.coats we have to do this fucked essay about some stuped book i didn't read...lol i asked to go to
the bathroom when i just went to get a drink..and to see tom and my girl friend...yes ladies..im taken...yeah like you care
well after my little talk with people i noticed i took a long time in the so called ( crapper) and i was about to retirn to
the class i hate so much, well tom and joe escorted me back to the class LIKE I WAS INSANE...LIKE I WAS MARTIN LAWNCE ON A
BENDER....and they were the cops taking me in and who do you think is walking down the hall looking for me....MR.COATS grrr
so i didn't get detention or anything...crap this is a long entry. toms looking at skateboards he's like drooling over them
LOL tom found a devo skateboard the web page is this if your bored
sooner or la8er i'll add a page here with links to all my fav web pages that i laugh
too...yeah... well i'm gunna go umm do shit bye
april 15, 2002
HA HA HA HA..oh boy was this the best weekend...where to start...1st, if you are reading
this part of my page...you prob arent at school. i tryed looking at the jornal part of my web page at school and i can't...lol
it said that my web page is blocked from school becuse it has
HATE IN IT!!!!! >:O
now i can't even look at that one part of my page without people thinking that im looking
at porn...grrr...well on a happyer note me and tom went to wal*mart on friday...we had fun....acting like assholes....sooner
or la8er im gunna bring a copy of my wal*mart stunts and paste it in another page in my site...another thing is my sister
sue took me, her friend jeff and his brother to a "hunted house" oh..it was beautyfull...the banaster on the
stairs were about to fall off....there were like 100 lady bugs flying around the whole house...yeah not to mention all
the sunshine. well im gunna go edit my NEW JACKASS PAGE
april 16 2002
yeah last night was fun...my fucking computer pissed me off SO I KICKED IT...... i got
to control my anger..yeah right....now i can't sign online anymore on my computer....my mom's pissed at me...and we have 3
people that are gunna try and fix it...yeah well in hungery...LUNCH TIME!!!
april 17 2002
hello everyone its about time i tell you my true name...its peter. harry
balzac is an alter ego i use when i know i might get in deep shit...a jackass name more or less.. well any how at school i
had to go to this fucking assembly 3 times, the 3rd time tom was there so... w-w-h-b-d aka what would harry balzac do
lol i gotta make little necklaces like that..FUCK got off the subject agan...well i got that jackass feeling agan...they
gave out little name tags do i wrote harry balzac and tryed to act normal...i got a good laugh....made the speaker call me
harry it was quite entertaining... yeah..tom fixed my computer it seems the only problem was that THE PHONE LINE WAS
UNPLUGGED.... oh well, life goes on... umm lets see.... oh yeah... uhhh wait no....ahh fuck it thats it
april 18, 2002
hello people, well i'm bored agan. we had another assembaly...good thing
i only had to go to this one once. it was about the hallowcost...or something well im sorry that it happend to my jewish
friends.... but i really don't care that it happend. i don't care that over 1,000 people died.. and i won't care if
it happends in the future. i'll gladdly let the chop my head off. if that happends to me then let it. im
not suesidal, but i just couldn't give two fucks if i did finally die. i mean, why struggle to live, when all thats
out there is pain. school sucks, people and friends change, and people die. im fucking sick of
people who want everyone to all be nice and loving to each other, WELL ITS NOT GUNNA FUCKING HAPPEN!!! people
shoot each other and kill and burn each other becuse thats what people do. i'm also fucking sick of people
who think its ok to kill little animals and its not ok to kill people why struggle to live when all thats
out there are people who will spit on your dreams becuse they grew up in a rich family. or they just hate you whats
the point in life if you have to starve, and struggle in the sochal life... like what will happen in our future... we will
die anyway. we will be old wrinkled, we won't even be able to open or do anything becuse were so old and weak.
we will beg people to fucking kill us and put us out of misery. life sucks and i can't wait to die, sometimes
its fun when you and your friends do stuff and hangout and do jackass shit but then most of the time life sucks...
april 24, 2002
hello everyone...yup its bin sometime....right after i finished tipeing my jornal entrie
up there i walked out of the library with my friend ray....there was this fucking jock who started throwin stuff at him...
so i went up to him and asked him why he was throwin shit at my friend. he said besuce it would be funny. now this guy
is bilt...like his mussles had mussles. and i was scared so i started to walk away.... he said something and i tirned
around an threw my water bottle at him and ran at him....sure i have alot of rage bilt inside of me but i can't fight....i
got one good punch in and the rest he just knocked me down....he didn't bruse me so i guess he didn't "kick my ass" ...and
i got 2 days suspention...he got 3 oh well... i needed a 5 day weekend anyway. i have a feelin that when
that jock comes back him and his other friends are gunna kill me... oh well... let them beat me to a bloody pulp...
cops or someone will brake it up befor i get anything broken...then i can sue there asses off and get that nice drum set i
have my eye on... i finally got a kickass pair of steel toe boots. you guys don't know how long i wanted
a pair of these... i think alot of my old friends hate me now becuse they got the wrong story... that jock prob told
another story to his friends and so the rumor spreads like a slut's legs at a Back Street Boy concert... they all say
that i was just bein a smart ass thinkin i could kick a bigger kids ass.... i lost 3 friends now. 2 i don't know about....and
to think..i have to deal with all this becuse i stood up for one of my friends when they were getten peged in the head WITH
A CRUMPLED UP PEICE OF PAPER........i am goin threw hell now thanx to a fuckin paper ball....this is why i sometimes wonder
about my life.... why i allways seem to get fucked in the ear in the end by stuped things... oh well... thats life hopefully
when school is over i can finally get into the k-9 unit.... and get some monay, drive around in a black beetle to a mic donalds,
and look and laugh at all the jocks and old friends of myn when they have to work there to live.... i hope my life will tirn
out that way..... but i bet somehow...some way god will fuck me in the ear once agan..and i'll be the one behind the grill......
may 8, 2002
nothing much happend in the last few weeks...today is going to be one of the rush days...i
won't have time to breath tonight.....i have alot to do....1st i have after school today for "disterbing the class" i hate
after school...even tho this is going to be my 2ond one this year i hate it...1st they make you stay in a small room with
a bunch of jocks. 2 they throw stuff at you and when you say something back you get yelled at. and 3....they make
you take this fucking late bus home and becuse i live in the middle of fucking nowhere...they drop me off a mile away from
my house so i have to walk home. then after that i have theripy...i know i didn't spell that right but deal with me....
yeah...then after this asshole tells me how to control my anger at the world i have my cadet graduation...im fucking nirvous
cus there will be like 600 people there all looking at my every move...and if i screw up they will all laugh and shit....yea....
umm well thats about it...oh yeah umm i can't get my guest book up so im done tryin to fix it so fuck it...e-mail me with
your toughts about my web or something....yeah e-mail is BLo0dynoze@aol.com
yeah hi....ummm nothing much happend in the past few weeks sence the last time i wrote in here...ummm
i graduated the cadets my sis graduated college and umm yeah.. me and tom did some jackass shit and went to wal*mart
and acted like assholes.....like we allways do, got some vids of some wal*mart stuff i hope to copy the pics to a disk
and bring it to school and share them with you guys if there are any reading this besides kate, claire,
and tom... today we are going to dragons den ima buy the cky ( camp kill yourself ) movie set
cky is like jackass only it was before jackass umm yeah..... uhh for people who care moby and incubus both have new
cds out and i hope to get them soon...im pissed cus incubus is now tirning all pop shit so im starting to hate them..the only
cd i really liked was incubus - make yourself yeah umm periods almost over and me and tom wanna
go piss more teachers off sooo t.t.f.n
May 20, 2002
hi well this was a fun weekend. i got my ass kicked by a road hill. at my friend barretts house
i was bored and road a scooter down this huge ass hill....near the end i was loosing control over the scooter it was shaking
and shit. i jumped off the scooter and started running, the scooter spun around and i triped over it fell grinded on my knees
and elbow fliped over on my head, and fell on my asshole and stayed there thinking...."what the fuck just happend".
tom took some pics of my knee and elbow when they upload i'll add them here.
may 28, 2002
hi im so bored... charbar is maken nude chicks and sending them to people... i didn't get much
sleep last night and tired as hell.. me and tom went to the flea market this weekend and i got some smoke bombs and snap pops
and this switchblade comb...i brought the switchblade comb to school to see if they are going to make a big stink of it.
yeah im so bored ima go web surfin bye
june 13, 2002
hi well there are 2 days left of school. so far there have been some funny pranks done.
right now some kids threw a handfull of mashed potatos up and it stuck to the top of the cafe. another was some kids
let around 21 mice loose in the school i think 7 on each floor. and well...only 4 were found so far. i have plans
for a prank of my own. i have a bunch but i can't deside on just one. i might make myself throw up somewhere in
school. or take a sign off a wall. or get a bag of my cats crap and stash it in mr.coats desk. tom
might come to school nude....well nude under his trench coat. well thats about it. sence my comps a peice of crap
and won't let me update my web....this web won't be updated unless i go to toms house and do it there. well c-ya
3\14\02 8:48
hello hello hello i am back!!!! and about fucking time too huh...see i havent updated
in so long becuse the school blocked tripod from its server and my comps a peice of crap soo yeah umm i broke up with
kate and now im going out with dina. i love you babe. i might add some new pics or something and a dead babie
joke page. ok well ttfn
well i broke up with dina. i didn't feel it anymore and i tought i would be taking advatage
of her if i didn't brake up with her so im alone again so yeah school is getting better im on new medication so im getting
better grades but i will allways hate gym class. i pissed off everyone in there i would act retared and hit the ball and run
the bases the other way or walk when they would tell me to get the fly ball. i got after school suspention for telling
a this girl to go shove a football up her ass after she called me a dirtbag with ugly blue hair. i do need to dye it
again so she was right about one thing. i got a nose ring its kinda cool. it didn't hurt when i got it peirced but when
it scabs over it fucking hurts. i got some new pics that im going to add i'll also add a few more jokes i heard do ttfn
11:53 july 13
watchin aqua teen hunger force on tv..adult swim, chilin with tom al and froggy nothing
much happining i have a g\f now i guess her name is latoya she's nice uhh thats about it bye
6:36 am august 17
well no shock to me but turns out that once latoya got out of river heavin she dissapeared
oh well her loss, im at toms house just bummin' we went to the chance yesterday to see murphy's law, soul 4 sale, and offset
chance. it was great i got some free pins and stickers and a cd. tom burned me a copy of his they might be giants cd
apollo 18. it is great i love the last track space sute i almost creamed myself when i heard that song the beats stuck in
my head. i want my grandpa to teach me to play that on an acordian. i start rahs sep 3rd. rahs is a
regional alternative high school im going there becuse i got into a fight and said the magic c word duh duh duh collumbine.
everyone freaked and got scared and so i have to go...well yeah
wednsday, september 10, 2003. 10:45 am
oi oi oi im at rahs and i can edit my web here so hooray or something...this school
is cool i guess its filled with potheads, jocks, idiots that don't care about their education, and people like me who don't
socialize very well with others...i had a very good idea for what i want to do in my future. i want to buy an island from
someone or find an abandon island and grow my own food, vegitables,and well anything i want. i have been lissining to
they might be giants alot in the past days, they are like crack i need them in them in the morning. if you have kazaa
or some kind of music downloading device download the cd they might be giants - apollo 18. or just download the
song called space sute. its so fun at this school becuse i have my fetus bead necklace on everyone is asking me stuff
like do you eat babies and im like yup, sure why not. i haven't said one dead baby joke this year and people look at
me funny when i laugh under my breath at this story of a kid that got a cat scan and a firehydrint was in the room and it
flu and smacked the kid and died....lol that is so funny!....alot of people try to get me pissed off by making dumb jokes
and i just laugh with them and they get pissed becuse im not getting mad... or i just do the tom way of life, lissin to music
all day. the class work here is very, very easy. its all stuff i have allready learned and people think that work is
too hard so they just don't do it. oh well i'll just have an easy year. i think im gunna add some more web pages to
my web so check it out if you care too
october 01, 2003 - 1:44 p.m.
oi hows it going, i think im getting emotional over this girl kristin. she is gorgous
and very artistic. she is so smart and has anger management probs as i do. i have had it with wondering if she likes
me back so i wrote a note and im gunna hand it to her on the bus and hope for the best but ehh im a loser so she will prolly
just laugh oh well if she says no then its time not waisted. well if you are bored go to www.oddtodd.com they have this cookie slot game thats fun
november 11 2003
hello everyone im in school. i just got 2 20 viles and i am tempted to smoke it
hahah this kid is reading over my shoulder and i will stab him in the head with an ice pick if he does not stop...naw he's
cool uhhhhhhhhhhhhh 99 dead baboons
thursday, november 13 2003
hola oh christin is such a hot human she makes me want to melt, but she doesn't do the
whole "relationship" thing. she only has friends with benifets. i told myself never to do this but i think she
is worth it. i'v been drawing alot of squee and johnny pictures. if i get a scanner i'll try to add my good drawings
here....thats about it bye
november 20 2003
hello hello....kristin is my dream human, she understainds my jokes, she can laugh at
the world, she is smart, and she is hot. i don't know if she really likes me or just hangs out with me becuse im there.
but i have a huge crush on her.
she never calls me, she allways says she will and then i end up waiting by the phone
from 4 30 to 10 00 and she doesn't call... ehh oh well
7 50 am
december 1
hello everyone i am talking now befor plumbing class...this morning i threw up some
of my pills on my steps and then i picked as much as i could with my hands and ate it...as gross as it was i realized what
i had done and almost threw up a second time. i was up all last night watching donnie darko and smoking with my sister
bless her heart. ehh thats all bye bye
7:54 thursday december 4
im in plumbing class...i get to take a new bus home, its fun cus i get home faster and
my mom doesn't have to pick me up, and im playing a fun rpg bomberman tortament but i can't save it...blast... i wrote a new
poem\song thingie so check it out. uhhh love sucks so much. im looking for a girlfriend but i don't want any girl.
if it was about sex i could have lost my virgenity a long time ago but im saving it. i want a girl that is as tormented
as i am, artistic, smart, a videogame lover, and not a racist....is that so much to ask for???.....i think im starting to
like dina again...but she has a boy friend, oh well...
im starting to play on www.cokemusic.com its so fun. its like a chatroom only you can make your own person and have them walk around and talk, then you can make music
then perform it im going there now.....bye bye
1:41december 8 2003
hahaha i am so high. me and jessie smoked behind the art room hahaha
and 2 teachers are behind use watching me type lol wow.....oh check out some new pictures on some pages.....bye bye
7 58 plumbing december 16
high again....my life is boring, my dad was not paying the morgage so my mom tryed to
get him to get thrown in jail but it didn't happen. he wanted us to put the house on the market and it is now i think.
im still staying in stupid carmel...but at least now i may be closer to tom...or not. well im bored bye
8:42 dec 17
hello im in plumbing class today, im drawing trent from daria...i want to get my
conch peirced so much. i have 2 bad ear infections and they are pissing me off. i can't hear that well out of
my right ear. i allready tryed to pick at it with a q-tip, but it just makes things worse. i am coughing also..
it is a loud cough and when i cough people look at me funny. ahh i hate this feeling.
7:50 thursday jan 22
well i feel very bad inside today, it feels like im melting inside and i don't care. well
my dad is winning so far in the whole my mom vs. dad devorce thing. i am moving out of my house and moving around pleasent
vally or hydepark. plus my sisters pet suger glider. his name is kieko the peanut. we was 2 years
old and my sister and i think he died either by hitting his head on the side of the cage or by a broken heart...it made me
feel bad inside when my sister was crying. i took the poor flying squrril and wrapped him in tissue papper then slid
him in a small box then wrapped the box with electric tape so hopefully he won't get dug up and eatin. i am moving around
march 1st. and my birthday is coming up hooray i guess its on the 11th of feb. i think i am running out of things
to draw, then again i have alot to draw about. my tra koob (tra koob backwards is art book,...hehehe) well my
art book is almost filled up with drawings and my art teacher is gunna give me another book to draw in.....i love art teachers
i have allways gottin allong with all my art teachers. i have been thinking about my mom's problems also,
she has to pay all these bills and she has alot of stuff she is cring about....i wish i could take out that bad feeling in
her and put it inside me. i want to quit school and start working in plumbing to make money for her to pay the bills...well
im getting yelled at and getting writtin up for touching a teachers hand and puching it away from my mouse becuse she was
going to turn this off with out me saving ....fucking bitch well bye bye.
7:49, 1, 27,
hello well my dad is winning the devorce, he got all he wanted and then some, my mom
is looking for houses to move to but most of them don't allow pets, im scared my mom is going to have her mother take care
of our pets when we move. but,,,,,i don't want to let go of my pets, i love my pets i'd rather move to a new school
then stay in the same school without my pets. i finally told my father off. i was lisining to him talk to my mom
and she told him how much the devorce thing is hurting her, he said "what do you want me to do about it?" thats when i yelled
"you can die" "i hate you i hope you don't get custody of me you can just go to hell." and now he thinks that i am "poisoned"
by my sister......what a fuck face i hate him so much....my birthday is coming up feb 11 well bye bye
feb 2 2004
well my family and i are going to be moving into a trailor.......................yeah,
i don't care. charrlet is a bitch, she thinks me and tom and all my other friends like her, but we don't, she is annoying,
stuped and should be put down by a brick in the skull. she invited herself over toms house last friday when me and him
were suppost to hangout, then when he was asking her when she wants him to drive her home she was like oh whenever, i know
she wanted to sleep over his house so she can kiss him when he is asleep. she started checking tom's and my hair (looking
for split ends) out of nowhere. i hate to be mean and i don't pick on people for no reason but she is very annoying.
tom tells me that he can't staind her as much as i do but he is nice to her and lets her comeover his house whenever she asks.
that pisses me off becuse then i don't know how tom really feels. then she starts getting cozy in toms bed under his
bedsheets. i mean what the fuck!!!! i try to be nice to her but the nicer i am the more i want to rip her head off and
stick it on a pole and put it in my yard. everything she says makes me mad and i don't know why. then she tells
me that she is over his house so much that she (lives) there now. the next day
my poor dog almost kills herself. she was out on the lead and ran around a small tree and ran around it untell she couldn't
go that way any further. then still tryed to go that way and was choking herself on the tree. i ran out and tryed
to untangle her but i couldn't get it undone, she was crying and making these sad sad dieing dog noizes that make me
want to cry, i yelled for my sister to get me something sharp and she gave me sizors and i tryed to cut the rope with
it but i couldn't, i then told her to watch the dog as i get something from the garage. i went and got a huge pair of
plyers and cut down the tree, then echo right away untangled the tree from her. it was so sad that she almost died.
she was standing there for a few seconds realising she was still alive and then started to run around happy like allways.
well i think thats all for today i think im in a bad mood today, oh well bye for now
hello this is my last week going to carmel hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
yeah anyways we are going to be moving into our doublewide trailor during the week i have
off from school after this week. sure i'll miss some people but i can still see them if they are worthy enuff. and i
will get away from idiots who piss me off. poor tom will get hit on by that bitch charrlot. tom showed me a new
web page that has funny flash cartoons on it i have it in my web page selection if you want to look at it
9:00\ 2 \25
well i moved into my double wide trailor and everything is grand. i just got optium
online and io for my computer and tv. living in a trailor isn't that bad. we have more money now cus of it.
hahaha its so funny that Charlotte is trying to be my friend again hahaha
if you don't know what i mean look at my guest book. i am still in plumbing and rahs. a white van with arlington
on the side of it picks me up from my house at 7:15 and takes me to plumbing. it is so grand. i get an hour more
sleep. i live kinda closer to everyone that i would want to be friends with its just that im not in carmel anymore hooray.
oh my goodness i saw a movie that almost made me cream myself it is so gory and sick and blood filled i love it so much,
the movie is called "may" its about this psycho girl that grows up without any friends but she has one friend it is a doll
that her mother made as a child. it is spechal so it is in a glass box. in the movie she works at an animal vet
hospital and see's horroble things. i am a pet lover but i loved the gross storys may talked about. like a dog
lossing a leg and the dogs owner couldn't find it hahaha. and then during one of her ciggeret breaks she see's a spechal
children school. its a bunch of blind children. sad as it is it was so funny when may went to the school to ask
if she could help the kids there. they let her see this one blind girl that stays away from the rest of the kids and
it reminds her of herself. so she brings in her doll and tells the children that this is very spechal to her and that
it is her bestest friend. the blind girl says its just a box and how is that spechal. may says its a doll inside
the box, so the blind girl wants may to take the doll out of the box....but you can't its spechal....and may and the blind
girl fight over the box and it falls and breaks. glass fly's all over the place and all the blind kids fall on
the glass and start feeling around and glass is all over the place and all the kids start bleeding and touching other kids
getting glass in the other kids eyes and making a huge mess......i was laughing......this movie is so funny and sick that
i was crying and laughing at the same time. it has some violence to a cat and alot of violence to humans but if you
can hold your throw up its a sick sick sick movie that i think everyone should see
4:40 feb 29
yes!!!! finally with a cable hook-up i can update my web page hooray
for all. i am so fucked up right now, jesse is here and helped me move to my new house. it was so fun. my grandma
didn't hear his name so she thought his name was juicy. lol so now thats his nickname. i think its very becoming.
uhh i am going to try to load up more pictures and stuff on here soo uhh bye
9:08 march 01
all i got. c-yah
6:59 pm march 03
WHAAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHA i have done the one thing i allways wanted to do.
i pissed all over my dads driver seat in his truck hahaha i used my golden stream of justice to put out the hate. it
feels so good.....i did that for everything he has done to my family...lol he still owes my grandfather over 3,000 for the
wedding lol. i told my grandmother what i did and she laughed and said she was proud of me but i shouldn't have done
it. i bet he sat right in it. i hope it stinks up his truck. he called my mom oh her cell and
told her...."ya know, im not saying you did this but.....someone poured water or pissed on my seat....and my mom
told him she didn't know what he was talking about...lollololololol hahahaa i hate his so much. my room at my
old house is almost clean but not quite. i feel so good. i feel happy, i feel new, hahaha wow.....
well thats about it, i hope this made everyone out there happy to know that you get what you deserve.....but i'd rather cut
out his tounge and throw him in a huge hole in my backyard and the only thing i will feed him will be a bucket of piss, shit,and
spit and that will be the only thing he will be able to eat untell he dies goodbye
12:05 march 04 2004
hello hello....well this sucks my pal juicy got busted tryin to sell the green ticket
at school, uhh this sucks so much, i don't know the details becuse i could only talk to him for a couple of minutes
but all i know is that he got caught. this sucks this sucks this sucks...... he told me not to worry but i can't help
it. lol last night i was bored and charrlet was online so i decided to fuck with her head. a couple of days ago
her and my pal tom were watching sienfeild at his house and she looked at him and said "im bored...wanna make out, it will
make the time go by." hahahahahaha and like a week ago tom had like a big talk with her about how he only likes her
as a friend and she said she understood. i guess not. i tell you its like a curcle. she wants to hang
out with us, we try to be nice and say yeah lets chill, she says something stuped or try's to get in toms pants and
so we tell her to leave us alone and don't talk to us, then she comes back up to us a week later and wants to be chill
with us again.... uhh i am so glad she is going out with some loser that works in shopright with her. mabey she will
leave us alone now. well anyhoo she was online, so i imed her saying "im bored, wanna make out it will make the
time go by." and she said WHT? and signed off. i called tom a half hour later and he told me "heh thanks alot
now she is all bitching at me becuse i told you that." he said this is it and that he isn't gunna talk to her anymore, i hope.
even though she allways gives us free cancer sticks whenever she has them i think its not worth it. i don't want to
give tom problems but i really think he can make alot.....ALOT better friends then that sack of crap. well periods over
time to go. bye
hahahahahahaha ha haaaaaaaaaaa..... dicks get what they diserve.... this kid collon
lol his real name is cullen but i call him collon cus thats what he is...well anyway collon had a 3-way with a 13 year old
girl and a 16 year old girl and he videotaped it using a camra that was half an inch long. later he showed the video
off to a friend and that friend told the 13 year old girl that was in it...she got pissed and called the cops....whaaa hahahaha
i read all about it in the newspaper and he will be going to jail for 4 years for each video of an underage girl he has.
hahaha he is gunna be someones bitch and he better learn to suck dick and like it. his asshole is gunna grow 4 fold.
i saved the news article for me and juicy to smoke a blunt and dance around it. i knew there was something untrusting
about him. when he would invite himself over my house i allways felt he would try to steal something because he allways
wanted to sleep in my room. other then that i have been raving about michal moores new book "dude, where's my country?"
it is so good it talks about all the lies bush told us...and if you buy this book that bush didn't like you will be put on
a government list of "possible terrorists". well school is almost over i got to go..t-t-f-n loser web surfer text reading
monkey handshaking person that i think i know but i don't...............yeah im borred bye
1:32 pm sunday march 21 2004
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4:55 march 22
7:01 march 29
why hello there umm i don't know what so say im just bored bored in general i don't
know....i want to get cancer and die. i have alot of friends and family that smoke ciggeretts...so why should they be
permitted to die early and leave me. i allways didn't want to smoke. i knew it was bad and what it does. i have
bin coughing up alot of gross flem from my lungs. hehe i am the failt. i wanted my mom and sister to stop smoking
because it costs to much. this must be a sceem by the man. 1st bring out stuff-cheap-addictive
then later on say its bad....still sell them and raise prices to try to get us to stop. but people are still addicted
so they pay the big prices. the ciggeret company's employees need money too. they have lovers and children too.
but oh well. i know i should stop and i can now. but i don't want to i want to show the small group of people
that i know that these little burning cancer sticks kill but hehe i know they won't care...yeah i know some might cry but
i know my smoker friends started to die like me also. i think the ciggerett company should sell them a little cheaper....well
alot cheaper we are killing ourselfs. and call them "do not smoke, these can kill you over time and are very addictive,
if this is your 1st pack give it to someone who smokes, if you are allready addicted, by all means smoke yourself into the
grave" i think that brings out the message......smoke only if you wish to die sooner instead of being old and
suffering in the future.
5:57 april 02
well hello there i didn't hear you come in...well tomarrow is the 1st day of vacation
so me and some of my homies are going to be chillin out with a couple thousand blunts and taking off to the moon. i
found a great band called her space holiday. thats all really so bye and keep off the grass!
3:55 am friday 4/17\04
high welcome and hello. well i got my heart set on this very smart very hot and
very political girl named liz. she is a virgin like myself but im not doing this for sex...no no no i am not like that.
i am on the serch for the ying to my yang, my lobster, or my soul mate. but i hope she likes me but if she don't my
quest continues. i am so high and drunk right now i started making a poem and it came out very good. i'll
add it to my web as soon as i sober up and can do that cus this is all i think i can do right now...tom and juicy are over
and we are watching cheech and chong's up in smoke and chillin like villins. uhh peace and love on earth goodnight
2:17 am sunday april 25 2004
i am sad. i hope i didn't scare liz away...i got too emotional and e-mailed her
a poem and i don't know if it was a little scary or corny or something. im just scared becuse every smart girl i have
met only liked me as a friend but liz is so pretty. she blushes alot and i think its sweet. she is also very smart
and i love her brain. she hates bush almost as much as i do! i just hope i didn't scare her...
8:20 april 28
well lis liked my poem, but she don't like me like that. so my serch for my lobster
4:02 may 5th
well i got to know a girl today. she has a trenchcoat and a side nose ring, lots
or peircings in her ears....i think im in love lol but i don't want to scare her away. im going to let her decide if
she likes me. this morning i felt to embarrased...i was coughing up alot of flem on the morning bus and everyone looked
at me funny like.....i asked the bus driver to pull over so i can hack it all up. i felt bad for the other kids...they
didn't need to hear my lungs gross agony like that. well thats about it.....ta ta
sunday may 09 2004
mother's day
hello happy mothers day, im not doing much.. the girl i talked about before likes
my friend. i don't care i liked her but she seems better off as a friend. im just tired of being alone but if i just
go out with any random girl then i'll end up hating her for little things and that will suck. so im lonly and sad or i can
be with someone and pissed off, or i can mabey find my lobster. or did she get boiled allready...
10:17 may 25
why am i here? to make others happy? to be a clown that has no self-respect?
i try to be nice yet im a loser in everyone's eye's. im just a fat, fatherless, stupid fag. my puzzle peice does
not fit anywhere. it never was ment to fit into the world's jigsaw puzzle. mabey its that i don't want to fit
in with the worlds jigsaw puzzle. they are blind, they don't have feelings, they don't know what it feels like to have
your soul shattered on the floor by a simple word. am i weak, or am i strong? am i smart, or is me dumb?
why does the world laugh at me, why can't i laugh back? why do i feel like this? here i am in a pile of
puzzle peices that don't fit in. can anyone find me, or am i here to rot and mold away. get blowen away in the
wind and can't choose where i'm going. was i born just to serve, or to save, or to get hurt? i don't know but
i feel pain inside. is the majority right? am i so lost that i have lost compation? no i still have that.
so then why do people hate me? is it my turn to be laughed at? did god sign me up on this list i never wanted
to be on? should i care or should i lose my colors. i like my colors. i like my brain. i like being
a fatherless, fatass, fag. do i need to shed my skin? will others still laugh. time will tell...
5:17 am august 13 2004
Well the summer is almost over and soon i'll be back in crappy rahs solving crosswords
as everyone elce will be learning alot more stuff...I have been working with my landlord to help fix up a storage place and
to make it into a kennel for homeless dogs. This ass james tried to kill the dog im taking care of because he got bit
by him. the dogs name is al, he's a pitbull and very sweet to humans but hates cats and other dogs. This
ass james brung in his dog and his dog took al's bone\toy. well al got pissed and bit onto james dog. James flipped
out and tryed to break up the fight by hitting al repeatedly with slaps...With no surprize al bit onto james hand and made
a small hole. i even tryed to get james some bandaids...he didn't take them but he drove himself to the hospital and
asked for 24 stitches so he can sue my landlord...lol he only got one stitch...then he tried to get lawyers to help him and
did all he could...lol but this guy is messed up more then me in his head...he allways lies...he's a compulsive lier...so
all the cops he calls just look at him with a blank face...my landlord just gave him a 30 day notice to move out or we will
get someone to move him out for him....we hate him so much because he threw old meat over the fence...we don't know if its
poisoned, its getting checked by people right now. Al didn't eat it so James is in deep poop right now. I am getting
more bored of life each day. Is there anything more to life then eating, shitting, sex, and pissing other people off?
Yea everyone says "look at the brighter side" but i can't. Bush make a mistake and killed innocent people who
did nothing, now they hate all of us and want to kill us for something our leader did that no one wanted to happen.
I wonder what they will bomb next? and if bush will cheat in another election....( of corse he will )...F 911 was a
great movie! It was like his books came to life. Oh yeah...Its the Year of the Rat!!
