TENNIS BALLS...the day in a life of some fat ass named retep
very funny food pics
a day in the life
the friends that keep me sane
fun pic's that make you say...ha ha
poetry and songs that my brain made
my jackass stunts
some web pages that help me stay alive
what freedom should mean
a rolling stone interview with beavis and butthead
music i like
Dead Babie Jokes
music that is stuck in my head
my page of daria
video's that are intertaining
drugs are bad!!!!
music that is stuck in my head

this is a page for music lyrics that i sing in my head

  dr.demento - 99 dead baboons 
(english translation of 99 red balloons from germeny)
hello bobby, my old friend,
its good to see you once again,
hows your mother, hows your aunt,
hows your father, skin diving suit,
i'v got something you should see,
back at my place come with me,
i got some brand new furnishings,
plus 99 dead baboons.....
99 dead baboons, sitting in my living room,
not too funtional it seems,
but quite a conversation peice,
this ones jake, that ones dihna, theres big ned in my recliner,
no its not a lay-z-boy can't you see its a dead baboon.
it goes on like that.....

dr.demanto dead puppies
dead puppies, dead puppies, dead puppies, arn't much fun,
they don't come, when you call,
they don't chase, squrrles at all,
dead puppies, arn't much fun,
my puppy died, late last fall,
he's still rotting in the hall,
dead puppies, arn't much fun.
mother said his days are threw,
she's gunna, throw him in the stew,
dead puppies arn't much fun......



hey ya! - outkast

shake it, sha sha, shake it, shake it, shake it like a poloroid pic yeah heeyyyyy yaaaa ........heeeyyyy yaaayaaaaa   haaa this song is stuck in my head

i have fetus on the beat