TENNIS BALLS...the day in a life of some fat ass named retep
very funny food pics
a day in the life
the friends that keep me sane
fun pic's that make you say...ha ha
poetry and songs that my brain made
my jackass stunts
some web pages that help me stay alive
what freedom should mean
a rolling stone interview with beavis and butthead
music i like
Dead Babie Jokes
music that is stuck in my head
my page of daria
video's that are intertaining
drugs are bad!!!!
rules of freedom that everyone alive should respect

This is just something i allways wanted to make but never did so here is a rant summed up into something you people out there can read quick.
Nessesates in life for all living that the goverments in the world should respect for a cleaner, smarter, peacefull, new world.
1. Every human living should have a water proof house/home with a roof over their head with clean water and a working toilet, clean bed, working heating and air conditioning and a working sink.  If the human living can not afford this the government should pay for it.
2. Every human living should have fresh food and water. If a human can't afford it the goverment should provide it.
3. The government should make sure that all living humans, old and young, should be givin free education and heath insurance.
4. All living humans should have respect for themself, and respect for every other living humans.
5. All living humans should have respect for mother earth, and father sky.  respect for the earth's future by recycling, not polluting, not littering, finding new ways to make machines of all kinds run on a new reuseable source that is not a fossel fule.  the government should make sure that all water and air in the world is clean, drinkable, and breathable.  the government should make sure to clean up the problem and not sweep the problem onto another country.  if someone does they should own all responcability to help clean up the mess at all means nessassery.  if they do not they will be taken to a court of law and forced to clean up the problem.  Every human living also should have the responcability to make an effort to not throw trash on the floor and not clean it up, and to pick it up if someone does not. 
6. No Human living should be discriminated by another Human living for self profit or self amusement.  If a living human discriminates another living human for self pleasure they should be educated to respect others.
7. FREEDOM FOR SELF CHOICE IN RELIGION, SELF CHOICE FOR MARRAGE OF SAME SEX LIFE PARTNERS.  For two humans that don't belive in christianity should be able to get married if they want to. They should not be looked down on by christian followers, just keep all hate inside you, you will go where you beleive you will end but others belive other ideas.  Also i am not making fun of christian followers, i respect you but it feels like some followers of your religion make crazy ideas that your god talked to them.  like george bush with god told me to go to war. other humans following another religion should respect them as they whould respect you. If everyone has respect for everyone then atleast we can take a step in evolving.  the humans wanting to get married should be able to do anything the rest of us living can do, they both must be at least 21 to get married so they have had a long time to think about it.  one must not be hurting the other in a way the person getting hurt does not want to happen.
8. NEVER KILL A FELLOW LIVING HUMAN. if a living human is getting hurt/killed by another living human the human killer would be an enemy to all humans living, If one knows of a human that killed/raped/beat up/or mollested another human you should tell a peace officer.  a peace officer shall be the new police officers installed in the u.s.a. they shall be looking for humans that are disobeying a persons right for respect. 
9. FREEDOM OF ABORTION.  if and only if a human inpregnats another human and one does not want or have enuff money to take care of the child of if a human gets rapped by another and got impregnated they have the right to abort the baby as long as the fetus is not a fetus yet.  this is not a form of safe sex.  each human has the right to abort 3 times in their life. you are killing yourself and humans living should be able to take care of a child living on both parents.  they both should take care and feed the child and have a job to make money to care for the child.
9. Taking care of the government for taking care of you.  When a human works to a point where they are making well over the amount of how much a human should make, They should have a small tax to pay to the government.  alot of the rich don't like the idea of giving your money to someone who needs it but as you spent alot of money on summer homes and waisting money just to spent it. other humans are starving and have to work night and day just to pay the debt to a house.  then they can't feed their family.  the maxamum amount of money that a human should be able to own should be 75 million dollars.  It will make sure every human can make sure other humans who wouldn't have money to be able to live and have a chance to make money and give money to the goverment that helped you live.  i bet this will not work but i feel that as some are spending to pass the time others are dying.  but let me know what you think.