TENNIS BALLS...the day in a life of some fat ass named retep
very funny food pics
a day in the life
the friends that keep me sane
fun pic's that make you say...ha ha
poetry and songs that my brain made
my jackass stunts
some web pages that help me stay alive
what freedom should mean
a rolling stone interview with beavis and butthead
music i like
Dead Babie Jokes
music that is stuck in my head
my page of daria
video's that are intertaining
drugs are bad!!!!
music i like

this is a new page for bands i lissen too

ok from top to bottom
that is flea ( the bass player ) for the red hot chili peppers
that is moby he plays all the instruments to his band...moby
that is incubus a band that was good but now they are pop crap so if your gunna buy a cd from them get the one called "make yourself"




the other bands i like are they might be giants, pet shop boys, dr.demento, less than jake, cursive, murphy's law, devo, primus,cky, and craddle of filth
the song down here is by they might be giants, its called space suit....this song changed the way i think of the acordian   injoy