TENNIS BALLS...the day in a life of some fat ass named retep
very funny food pics
a day in the life
the friends that keep me sane
fun pic's that make you say...ha ha
poetry and songs that my brain made
my jackass stunts
some web pages that help me stay alive
what freedom should mean
a rolling stone interview with beavis and butthead
music i like
Dead Babie Jokes
music that is stuck in my head
my page of daria
video's that are intertaining
drugs are bad!!!!
poetry and songs that my brain made


ok well this is my crap poetry so yeah, fuck you


Crayon Box
the world is like a crayonbox. we are all different colors and live in the same box. we were all made the same way only in different factorys.  we have different pasts, ideas, loves, and fears.  our lives are different from one crayon to another but we live in the same box.  we are the colors of the rainbow.  white, black, yellow, red, blue, and green.  we need to stop color oppression.  we need to shine our colors together.  we were made on this big ball earth.  we need to get together.  peace and love is the answer!  there isn't much room on this earth.  we are here for a reason but we don't know what that reason is.  a drawing looks better if you use all the colors.  i am a white crayon.  i am sorry for what my ansester crayons have done to the black crayons.  i don't think the way they do.  don't think i am like other crayons the same color i am.  they make me cry.  why do they think the way they do.  did something happen to them in the past?  well we all have something terrible in our pasts.  one bad black crayon doesn't make all black crayons bad.  i never asked to me made.  but here i am.  hear me roar.  don't make other crayons feel bad for being different.  but complament them for being individuals.  cus not alot of crayons can make the color you can make.  we are all just crayons in a box.  we should get along and not fight with each other.  this is just the thought of one crayon.  named retep


Please don't eat the daisy
down in a vally, hidden in shade
there are talking daisys, don't be afraid
they talk about peace, they talk about war
lets go see them, get into the car
i hope that im not crazy
please don't eat the daisy
they talk about hate, they talk about love
a barbe wire cage, inside is a dove
you say, that you love jesus,
i say, you just need us,
we love each other,
no lower, no better,
we all are equal,
blood equals blood.
we are like flowers!
we are different colors!
we have different powers!
each and every hour!
i hope that im not crazy
please don't eat the daisy
they talk about hate, they talk about love
a barbe wire cage, inside is a dove
red, white, and blue
the daisy is true
no war, no hate,
please, don't be crazy
please, plant a daisy
they give us air,
and they don't care,
bill clinton got caught, in an affair
i hope that im not crazy
please don't eat the daisy
they talk about hate, they talk about love
a barbe wire cage, inside is a dove
daisy's talk, without using words,
they talk to your mind,
they flow in your soul,
they talk about peace, it is their goal!
i hope that im not crazy
please don't eat the daisy
they talk about hate, they talk about love
a barbe wire cage, inside is a dove
you can learn from daisy's,
they, won't make you crazy,
the world is a garden,
george bush is a hard-on,
i think it's its time, FOR A REVOLUTION!!!

the meaning of life - retep
the meaning of life is pointless,
we live it either other way,
but now if you are curious,
i'd be happy to show you the way,
the meaning of life is nothing,
we eat, sleep, shit, and breed.
sorry to say this, but there is no afterlife,
just alot of nothing and dispair,
but other then the necesities,
we evolved to crave entertainment,
as we sit on our bum and let our brains melt away,
we smoke ourself stupid,
and discus our time on earth,
we may be a waist of fleash,
but what elce is there to do?
we could exercise or read a book,
or whatever your human brain wants to do.
but whatever we do with our time,
we all end up the same,
we go 6 feet under,
and become a yummy meal.
for the bottom of the food chain,
we humans may be smarter,
that i do not disagree,
but our smartness is also our own weekness you see,
for we are nothing without our tools, our entertainment,
our weapons of mass distruction or the shirt on our back.
yes living life is grand, but for some it's not,
the poor,
the elderly,
the victems of racisem,
and the food thats on your plate.
even when we play by the rules,
if we look different from the majority we lose the game called life,
even when we all bleed red,
and have the same body makeup,
we humans seem to only make friends with others that look like us,
i try not to discriminate,
i talk to humans whatever skin color they might have.
but i get looks of hate,
just because my skin is lighter.
and i just get upset,
i hate racists no mader what color they may be.
i hate humans equaly, not just for there skin color,
so as you injoy your chicken leg remember this my friend,
you may be the one,
on something elce's plate

Dark Corner
as i sit in a dark corner
i pull out my matchbox
and slowly set one on fire
i start to realx
and forget what you did to me that day
i think about the way you hurt me like no other
but you wont get to me
because i set the pain down inside a little ball
and worms is watching that ball
waiting to let it go
and give me the power from the pain ago
this is why youll never get to me
but when worms lets that ball go
youll feel the pain that you once filled me
then i start to feel happy
because i think of you laying on the floor
bloody tears in your eyes
and youll never know when that ball might explode


i wish i could wright poetry like this dude
ok tom your poems kick ass and even though you hate getting credit for them im going to put some on my web and even sence your gunna tell me to take it off at least i put it all the way down here so not alot of people will find it
pantomimia (tom's writing)
aimless questioning
will get you nowhere
cursed rose that stood from the rest
of course it has the most thorns
thats why it hurts so bad even after you let it go
and yet it feels so good
such a thing to say
such a thing to say.....
what a terrible thing to say.....
and when the clouds overhead begin to part and wither
the dismal humidity of this feeling still lingers
that very same dish that tasted so delicate and secure
left that same salty feeling inside my stomach
well the platters broken and the spoon has rusted
such a long time ago....
why are you still here?
softened breaths that wash against structure
only to fall against them
upon this dismal pantomime of something lost
honey, id drown myself in tears if i knew how to cry.
transmission lain within the subscripts
balanced on a badly drawn scaffold
like its reaching for something
maybe i should have tried harder....
:*(** this poem makes me feel sadness