TENNIS BALLS...the day in a life of some fat ass named retep
very funny food pics
a day in the life
the friends that keep me sane
fun pic's that make you say...ha ha
poetry and songs that my brain made
my jackass stunts
some web pages that help me stay alive
what freedom should mean
a rolling stone interview with beavis and butthead
music i like
Dead Babie Jokes
music that is stuck in my head
my page of daria
video's that are intertaining
drugs are bad!!!!
my jackass page


the jackass stunts that i have done with friends...
......or jackass stunts that my sick little mind has made up

if you have any jackass stunts you did or your little sick mind made up
e-mail me

-stuff i did...and got badly beaten-
-extreem red wagon-
not hard to do...get a red wagon, ride down stairs or steep grass hills
-street loosh-
ride a skateboard down ( laying down face front or back down ) a huge hill ( erm...hill on the road works best )  and well try to ballence as you pump with your hands or feet.....this stunt is allways better to do with 2 people...the other one stays on top of the hill and yells down if theres a car
-street poo-
simple...pull down your pants pretend to poo on the side of the see what people do...i got horns honked and people stopping and stairing.  lol its better if you hold a news paper
-umbrella jump- 
my friend tom did this...just jump off a roof or deck with an doesn't drop like a rock
-wagon crash-
this is like scooter bowling only what happend to get a pogo stick up your ass..oww i still feel that one
you pile a bunch of crap up in a pile ( i used my skateboard, boxes, a POGO STICK, balls, a sled, and well anything elce i could find.  and ya ride the wagon into it....the wagon stops short...and you go flying and crack your head in the dirt....oh yeah...try not to lean forword when riding the wagon downhill....espechally if theres a pogo stick pointed at you...
-the tredmill-
yes yes i know everyone knows that this ones from the show jackass....yeah well all ya do is fuck around on the tredmill....have someone running at speed 10 then throw stuff at him...or try and ride a red wagon, skateboard on it, bmx on it...or just run and slide on it
-shopping carts-
yet another fun thing from jackass...come on if you don't know what to do with this then you must be more of an idiot that me...anyway all ya really do is get a friend in the cart, run, and slam into stuff.  and you can use them in wal*mart but you'll know what im talking about when i set up the wal*mart adventure page on my site
-poo dollar-
get a dollar bill and put poo on one side and put it poo side down on the ground near a bank and watch for someone to pick it up and get grossed out

jackass did it....cky did now i must do it for the sake of getting sued.....DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME OR IF YOU DO I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU DOING SO....or something like that   anyway long thing short...if ya loose a head or an eye or some body part that will make you yell "AHH FUCK MY FUCKING ASSHOLE"...its not my fault 
 oh and have a nice day



-stuff my little evil mind has made up-
-scooter bowling-
pile a bunch of boxes up at the bottom of a street hill and ride the scooter into it... keep score....i know it doesn't seem like a jackass stunt but...smoke a lil sunshine then try it lol i can't even stand up on one
-suberbin surfin-
stand up on a car and well street surf....yeah..ya know have to be fucking insane to do this but..i don't care

little billy saw a firecracker on the road...he lit it and BLEW HIS HAND OFF