TENNIS BALLS...the day in a life of some fat ass named retep
very funny food pics
a day in the life
the friends that keep me sane
fun pic's that make you say...ha ha
poetry and songs that my brain made
my jackass stunts
some web pages that help me stay alive
what freedom should mean
a rolling stone interview with beavis and butthead
music i like
Dead Babie Jokes
music that is stuck in my head
my page of daria
video's that are intertaining
drugs are bad!!!!
a rolling stone interview with beavis and butthead

yeah this is some cool thing i found at

Beavis and Butt-Head on What's Cool and What Sucks
[By Charles M. Young, Rolling Stone, August 19, 1993]
CY: Charles M. Young
BH: Butt-Head
B : Beavis
CY: You're selling more posters than "Jurassic Park." You're
    getting all-time high ratings on MTV. What does your
    success say about the current culture of American
BH: Huh-huh, huh-huh.
B : He said "suck." Huh-huh, huh-huh.
BH: Huh-huh. Uh...could you repeat the question?
CY: What I'm getting at is, there's a whole new group of kids
    in junior high now, and your success -
BH: Huh-huh. He said it again.
B : Yeah. Huh-huh, huh-huh.
CY: Let me put it another way. Just this morning I watched a
    psychologist on TV talk about the horrible effect that
    heavy metal has on kids. Do you ever consider the
    influence you're having on today's youth?
BH: Uh...uh...well, I like to burn stuff, but that doesn't
    mean -
B : I like it when stuff blows up and knocks people over.
BH: [Smacks Beavis on the head] Shut up, Beavis. I was saying
    something. Huh-huh. Uh...what was I saying?
CY: Your influence on today's youth.
BH: What's today?
CY: Tuesday.
BH: Oh, yeah. What was I saying?
CY: Your effect on young people. You said you liked to burn
BH: Whoa! You must have one of those pornographic memories!
    Huh-huh. Uh...I like to burn stuff, but that doesn't mean
    *you* have to. Huh-huh, huh-huh. It would be cool if you
    did, though.
B : Yeah. Huh-huh. Fire! Fire! Fire!
CY: So what's the coolest thing you've ever burned?
BH: Uh...Beavis's eyebrows. Huh-huh.
B : Yeah, that was pretty cool. Huh-huh. It smelled cool,
CY: Why was that so cool?
BH: It was, like, unexpectant? We were torching a June bug
    with a can of Lysol and a lighter, and it ended up
    burning Beavis's face. Huh-huh, huh-huh. It was like a
B : Huh-huh. I burned my bonus.
CY: Well, let me ask you this: Do you guys find anything
    funny that isn't scatological?
BH: Uh...sure. Lots of stuff. Like, uh, butts are funny.
CY: Anything besides butts?
B : Farts are funny. Because they come out of your butt. Huh-
BH: Did you know any time anyone is born, they come out right
    next to a butt? Huh-huh.
B : Yeah. Even the president of the Unites States.
CY: So what's your point?
BH: Well, uh...that's pretty cool. Huh-huh, huh-huh.
CY: What do you think of the disclaimer MTV sometimes runs
    before your show?
BH: It's cool.
CY: Do you know what I'm talking about?
BH: Huh-huh.
CY: Those words MTV runs before the show warning people about
B : Words suck.
BH: Yeah. If I wanted to read, I'd go to school.
B : So, like, what do they say?
CY: They say you're crude, self-destructive and anti-social,
    but for some reason you make them laugh.
BH: Cool! Huh-huh.
B : Yeah. MTV's cool.
CY: Even though the censors in their standards department
    won't let you say certain words?
BH: Yeah. MTV's cool - for a bunch of wussies. Huh-huh, huh-
B : We can say "ass wipe."
BH: Not very often.
B : We can say "asshole."
BH: No we can't, Beavis.
B : Are you calling me a liar?
BH: No I'm calling you a waste of bum wipe.
B : We can say "butthole." Butthole! Butthole! Butthole!
BH: Shut up! MTV will fire you!
B : Fire! Fire! Fire!
BH: Settle down, Beavis!
CY: You seem to watch a lot of TV. Do you think television
    depicts an accurate view of the world?
BH:, are you really with the Rolling Stones?
CY: I'm with "Rolling Stone," the magazine.
BH: So, uh, do you get lots of chicks?
B : Hey, Butt-Head, when chicks find out we know someone with
    the Stones, we'll get some helmet. Huh-huh, huh-huh.
CY: I'm with the magazine "Rolling Stone." I'm a writer, not
    a musician.
B : Wuss.
BH: So you don't get any chicks?
CY: Not like Mick Jagger.
B : Mick Jagger's not a chick.
BH: He didn't say he was a chick, Beavis. He said he doesn't
    *get* chicks.
B : He said he doesn't get chicks like Mick Jagger.
BH: That's right. Not like Mick Jagger.
B : But Mick Jagger's not a chick.
BH: Don't make me kick your ass again, Beavis.
B : You know who looks like a chick? Huh-huh. Vince Neil.
BH: Yeah. Huh-huh. And Dave Mustaine.
B : Yeah. That's why he wears glasses. So he doesn't look too
    much like a girl. Huh-huh, huh-huh.
CY: What do glasses have to do with masculinity?
BH: You know what you should do to, like, get chicks? Since
    you're a wuss? Huh-huh, huh-huh.
CY: What?
BH: You should get some binoculars and stand outside this
    apartment building we know and look in the windows. Huh-
CY: How would that help me get chicks?
BH: Sometimes you can see 'em naked. Huh-hu, huh-huh.
B : Yeah. Huh-huh. Or you could go to Bible camp and hug
    chicks when they find Jesus.
BH: That would be cool. Huh-huh. "Give us this day our
    morning wood." Huh-huh, huh-huh.
CY: What kind of music do you like?
BH: Uh...uh...all different kinds.
B : Yeah. Like *loud* music.
BH: Yeah. And music that *rocks*! Huh-huh.
B : Music that kicks *ass*! Huh-huh. And fire music! Fire!
CY: What's fire music?
B : Oh, sorry, I was thinking about videos.
BH: I also like music that's about stuff. Huh-huh.
B : Yeah. Like that rap song about that guy who likes big
BH: Yeah. That one speaks to me. Huh-huh, huh-huh.
CY: The rumor is, you guys have the same father.
BH: Uh...we're not sure. It's possible. Huh-huh.
B : Yeah. Huh-huh. He used to come around a lot.
CY: Are the two of you friends with anyone besides each
B : We're not friends.
BH: Beavis has a special friend. Huh-huh.
B : Yeah. Huh-huh.
BH: Sometimes he shakes hands with Little Beavis.
B : Yeah. [Pathetic attempt at Pakistani accent] "Hello,
    Meester Monkey." Huh-huh, huh-huh.
BH: Huh-huh. That was cool.
CY: Well, you two sound pretty friendly.
BH: We just do lots of stuff together. Huh-huh.
B : Just cool stuff.
BH: Yeah. I like stuff that's cool.
CY: Well, there must be a lot of cool stuff to do, because as
    far as I can tell, you two spend every moment of your
    life together.
BH: That's 'cause Beavis follows me around.
B : *You* follow *me* around.
BH: Only when I'm gonna kick your ass.
B : When you're gonna *lick* my ass?
BH: Shut up, booger wipe!
B : Peckerwood!
CY: Hey, break it up! Butt-Head, I have a question for you. I
    noticed that you often say, "I like stuff that's cool."
    But isn't that circular logic? I mean, what is the
    definition of "cool," other than an adjective denoting
    something the speaker likes?
BH: Huh-huh. Uh, did you, like, go to college?
CY: You don't have to go to college to know the definition of
    "redundant." What I'm saying is that essentially what
     you're saying is "I like stuff that I like."
B : Yeah. Huh-huh. Me, too.
BH: Also, I don't like stuff that sucks, either.
CY: But nobody likes stuff that sucks!
BH: Then why does so much stuff suck?
B : Yeah. College boy! Huh-huh, huh-huh.
BH: Huh-huh, huh-huh. Uh, I have a question for you.
CY: Go ahead.
BH: Pull my finger.
CY: That's not a question.
BH: Huh-huh. Uh...would you please pull my finger?
CY: Oh, all right.
[Butt-Head farts loudly.]
BH: Huh-huh, huh-huh. That's cool.
B : I taught him that joke. Huh-huh.
BH: I taught *you* that joke, bunghole!
B : But I taught you the part about where you fart.
BH: Oh, right, you did. Huh-huh, huh-huh. That's my favorite
CY: I have just a couple more things I'd like to cover.
BH: Huh-huh. He said "things."
B : He said "couple." Huh-huh, huh-huh.
CY: When I was your age, the big event that formed the values
    of my entire generation was the Vietnam War.
BH: Yeah. Huh-huh. Rambo was cool!
CY: So I was wondering if there was some similar experience,
    some unifying event, that has affected your life.
BH: Uh...well, once we bought this bullwhip at Stucky's? And
    we went around looking for stuff to whip. But like we
    couldn't find anything. No frogs or lizards or nothing.
B : We tried a bag of charcoal, but it wasn't alive.
BH: We found this big old grasshopper in the middle of the
    road. It was really big. It was like a freak grasshopper.
    Huh-huh. We whipped it and whipped it.
B : Yeah, yeah. And then I kicked it. Huh-huh.
BH: We slapped it around like a red-headed stepchild. Huh-
    huh, huh-huh. And then it looked like it was dead 'cause
    it hadn't moved in like an hour? And then all of a sudden
    these little white worms started crawling out of its
    butt, one by one. Huh-huh, huh-huh.
B : Yeah. They looked like long-grain rice. It's like they
    were trapped inside this grasshopper, and we came along
    and set 'em free.
BH: Huh-huh. Uh...they crawled out of its *butt*!
CY: You're comparing the Vietnam War to worms crawling out of
    a grasshopper's butt? How could that affect your life?
BH: Well, uh...if that hadn't happened, we would have had to,
    like, do something else.
CY: Well, I suppose it's pointless to ask this, but-
BH: Huh-huh. You said "butt."
CY: What advice do you have for America's youth?
B : Uh...sometimes at the arcade? If you rub your feet on the
    ground and touch the coin slot, it makes a spark and you
    get a free game. Huh-huh.
BH: Huh-huh. Uh...I got one. Like if you go to school and,
    like, study and stuff? And grow up and get a job at a
    company and, like, get promoted? You have to go there and
    do stuff that sucks for the rest of your life.
B : Yeah. You'll be trapped, just like those worms in that
    grasshopper's butt. Huh-huh, huh-huh. And then people
    will whip you, and you'll come crawling out and -
BH: Shut up, Beavis! Huh-huh. But what I was saying is, if
    you act like us and just do stuff that's cool? Like sit
    around and watch TV and burn stuff?
B : And choke your chicken. Huh-huh-huh.
BH: Yeah. Huh-huh. And choke your chicken. Then, ROLLING
    STONE magazine will come and kiss your butt!
CY: Huh-huh. You said "come."
B : Yeah. Huh-huh, huh-huh.
Beavis & Butt-Head: Huh-huh, huh-huh. Huh-huh, huh-huh. Huh-
    huh, huh-huh. Huh-huh, huh-huh.
BH: That was cool!

don't kill people....blood stains are hard to clean up...