Beavis and Butt-Head on What's Cool and What Sucks [By Charles M. Young, Rolling Stone, August
19, 1993] CY: Charles M. Young BH: Butt-Head B : Beavis ============================================================ CY:
You're selling more posters than "Jurassic Park." You're getting all-time high ratings on MTV. What
does your success say about the current culture of American teenagers? BH:
Huh-huh, huh-huh. B : He said "suck." Huh-huh, huh-huh. BH: Huh-huh. Uh...could you repeat the question? CY: What
I'm getting at is, there's a whole new group of kids in junior high now, and your success - BH: Huh-huh.
He said it again. B : Yeah. Huh-huh, huh-huh. CY: Let me put it another way. Just this morning I watched a
psychologist on TV talk about the horrible effect that heavy metal has on kids. Do you ever consider
the influence you're having on today's youth? BH: Uh...uh...well, I like to burn stuff, but that
doesn't mean - B : I like it when stuff blows up and knocks people over. Huh-huh. BH:
[Smacks Beavis on the head] Shut up, Beavis. I was saying something. Huh-huh. Uh...what was I saying? CY:
Your influence on today's youth. BH: What's today? CY: Tuesday. BH: Oh, yeah. What was I saying? CY: Your effect
on young people. You said you liked to burn stuff. BH: Whoa! You must have one of those pornographic
memories! Huh-huh. Uh...I like to burn stuff, but that doesn't mean *you* have
to. Huh-huh, huh-huh. It would be cool if you did, though. B : Yeah. Huh-huh. Fire! Fire! Fire! CY:
So what's the coolest thing you've ever burned? BH: Uh...Beavis's eyebrows. Huh-huh. B : Yeah, that was pretty cool.
Huh-huh. It smelled cool, too. CY: Why was that so cool? BH: It was, like, unexpectant? We were
torching a June bug with a can of Lysol and a lighter, and it ended up burning
Beavis's face. Huh-huh, huh-huh. It was like a bonus. B : Huh-huh. I burned my bonus. CY: Well,
let me ask you this: Do you guys find anything funny that isn't scatological? BH: Uh...sure. Lots
of stuff. Like, uh, butts are funny. CY: Anything besides butts? B : Farts are funny. Because they come out of your
butt. Huh- huh. BH: Did you know any time anyone is born, they come out right
next to a butt? Huh-huh. B : Yeah. Even the president of the Unites States. CY: So what's your point? BH: Well, uh...that's
pretty cool. Huh-huh, huh-huh. CY: What do you think of the disclaimer MTV sometimes runs before
your show? BH: It's cool. CY: Do you know what I'm talking about? BH: Huh-huh. CY: Those words MTV runs
before the show warning people about you. B : Words suck. BH: Yeah. If I wanted to read, I'd go
to school. B : So, like, what do they say? CY: They say you're crude, self-destructive and anti-social,
but for some reason you make them laugh. BH: Cool! Huh-huh. B : Yeah. MTV's cool. CY: Even though the censors in
their standards department won't let you say certain words? BH: Yeah. MTV's cool - for a bunch of
wussies. Huh-huh, huh- huh. B : We can say "ass wipe." BH: Not very often. B : We can say "asshole." BH:
No we can't, Beavis. B : Are you calling me a liar? BH: No I'm calling you a waste of bum wipe. B : We can say "butthole."
Butthole! Butthole! Butthole! BH: Shut up! MTV will fire you! B : Fire! Fire! Fire! BH: Settle down, Beavis! CY:
You seem to watch a lot of TV. Do you think television depicts an accurate view of the world? BH:, are you really with the Rolling Stones? CY: I'm with "Rolling Stone," the magazine. BH: So, uh, do you get
lots of chicks? B : Hey, Butt-Head, when chicks find out we know someone with the Stones, we'll get
some helmet. Huh-huh, huh-huh. CY: I'm with the magazine "Rolling Stone." I'm a writer, not a musician. B
: Wuss. BH: So you don't get any chicks? CY: Not like Mick Jagger. B : Mick Jagger's not a chick. BH: He didn't
say he was a chick, Beavis. He said he doesn't *get* chicks. B : He said he doesn't get chicks like
Mick Jagger. BH: That's right. Not like Mick Jagger. B : But Mick Jagger's not a chick. BH: Don't make me kick your
ass again, Beavis. B : You know who looks like a chick? Huh-huh. Vince Neil. BH: Yeah. Huh-huh. And Dave Mustaine. B
: Yeah. That's why he wears glasses. So he doesn't look too much like a girl. Huh-huh, huh-huh. CY:
What do glasses have to do with masculinity? BH: You know what you should do to, like, get chicks? Since
you're a wuss? Huh-huh, huh-huh. CY: What? BH: You should get some binoculars and stand outside this
apartment building we know and look in the windows. Huh- huh. CY: How would that help me get chicks? BH:
Sometimes you can see 'em naked. Huh-hu, huh-huh. B : Yeah. Huh-huh. Or you could go to Bible camp and hug
chicks when they find Jesus. BH: That would be cool. Huh-huh. "Give us this day our morning wood."
Huh-huh, huh-huh. CY: What kind of music do you like? BH: Uh...uh...all different kinds. B : Yeah. Like *loud* music. BH:
Yeah. And music that *rocks*! Huh-huh. B : Music that kicks *ass*! Huh-huh. And fire music! Fire!
Fire! CY: What's fire music? B : Oh, sorry, I was thinking about videos. BH: I also like music that's about stuff.
Huh-huh. B : Yeah. Like that rap song about that guy who likes big butts. BH: Yeah. That one speaks
to me. Huh-huh, huh-huh. CY: The rumor is, you guys have the same father. BH: Uh...we're not sure. It's possible. Huh-huh. B
: Yeah. Huh-huh. He used to come around a lot. CY: Are the two of you friends with anyone besides each
other? B : We're not friends. BH: Beavis has a special friend. Huh-huh. B : Yeah. Huh-huh. BH: Sometimes he shakes
hands with Little Beavis. B : Yeah. [Pathetic attempt at Pakistani accent] "Hello, Meester Monkey."
Huh-huh, huh-huh. BH: Huh-huh. That was cool. CY: Well, you two sound pretty friendly. BH: We just do lots of stuff
together. Huh-huh. B : Just cool stuff. BH: Yeah. I like stuff that's cool. CY: Well, there must be a lot of cool
stuff to do, because as far as I can tell, you two spend every moment of your
life together. BH: That's 'cause Beavis follows me around. B : *You* follow *me* around. BH: Only when I'm gonna
kick your ass. B : When you're gonna *lick* my ass? BH: Shut up, booger wipe! B : Peckerwood! CY: Hey, break it
up! Butt-Head, I have a question for you. I noticed that you often say, "I like stuff that's cool."
But isn't that circular logic? I mean, what is the definition of "cool," other than an adjective denoting
something the speaker likes? BH: Huh-huh. Uh, did you, like, go to college? CY: You don't have to go to college to know
the definition of "redundant." What I'm saying is that essentially what
you're saying is "I like stuff that I like." B : Yeah. Huh-huh. Me, too. BH: Also, I don't like stuff that sucks, either. CY:
But nobody likes stuff that sucks! BH: Then why does so much stuff suck? B : Yeah. College boy! Huh-huh, huh-huh. BH:
Huh-huh, huh-huh. Uh, I have a question for you. CY: Go ahead. BH: Pull my finger. CY: That's not a question. BH:
Huh-huh. Uh...would you please pull my finger? CY: Oh, all right. [Butt-Head farts loudly.] BH: Huh-huh, huh-huh.
That's cool. B : I taught him that joke. Huh-huh. BH: I taught *you* that joke, bunghole! B : But I taught you the
part about where you fart. BH: Oh, right, you did. Huh-huh, huh-huh. That's my favorite part. CY:
I have just a couple more things I'd like to cover. BH: Huh-huh. He said "things." B : He said "couple." Huh-huh, huh-huh. CY:
When I was your age, the big event that formed the values of my entire generation was the Vietnam War. BH:
Yeah. Huh-huh. Rambo was cool! CY: So I was wondering if there was some similar experience, some
unifying event, that has affected your life. BH: Uh...well, once we bought this bullwhip at Stucky's? And
we went around looking for stuff to whip. But like we couldn't find anything. No frogs or lizards or
nothing. B : We tried a bag of charcoal, but it wasn't alive. BH: We found this big old grasshopper in the middle of
the road. It was really big. It was like a freak grasshopper. Huh-huh. We whipped
it and whipped it. B : Yeah, yeah. And then I kicked it. Huh-huh. BH: We slapped it around like a red-headed stepchild.
Huh- huh, huh-huh. And then it looked like it was dead 'cause it hadn't moved
in like an hour? And then all of a sudden these little white worms started crawling out of its
butt, one by one. Huh-huh, huh-huh. B : Yeah. They looked like long-grain rice. It's like they were
trapped inside this grasshopper, and we came along and set 'em free. BH: Huh-huh. Uh...they crawled
out of its *butt*! CY: You're comparing the Vietnam War to worms crawling out of a grasshopper's
butt? How could that affect your life? BH: Well, uh...if that hadn't happened, we would have had to,
like, do something else. CY: Well, I suppose it's pointless to ask this, but- BH: Huh-huh. You said "butt." CY: What
advice do you have for America's youth? B : Uh...sometimes at the arcade? If you rub your feet on the
ground and touch the coin slot, it makes a spark and you get a free game. Huh-huh. BH: Huh-huh. Uh...I
got one. Like if you go to school and, like, study and stuff? And grow up and get a job at a
company and, like, get promoted? You have to go there and do stuff that sucks for the rest of your life. B
: Yeah. You'll be trapped, just like those worms in that grasshopper's butt. Huh-huh, huh-huh. And then
people will whip you, and you'll come crawling out and - BH: Shut up, Beavis! Huh-huh. But what I
was saying is, if you act like us and just do stuff that's cool? Like sit around
and watch TV and burn stuff? B : And choke your chicken. Huh-huh-huh. BH: Yeah. Huh-huh. And choke your chicken. Then,
ROLLING STONE magazine will come and kiss your butt! CY: Huh-huh. You said "come." B : Yeah. Huh-huh,
huh-huh. Beavis & Butt-Head: Huh-huh, huh-huh. Huh-huh, huh-huh. Huh- huh, huh-huh. Huh-huh,
huh-huh. BH: That was cool!